Community Art Commissions are fun and rewarding as they involve creative engagement with people!
One of the most common ways to start conversations and stimulate thought processes is to engage individuals in
workshops which generate creative content . These often combine illustration with various other disciplines
including wood sculture, creative writing, feltmaking, modelmaking/painting and woolcraft.
Rich Picture Illustrations help facilitate corporate communication within larger organisations, providing visual solutions
which help develop future product concepts, manage change processes and assist in the articulation of a future strategic vision.
The artist has to understand the business processes and develop a brief on a one to one basis or in a group workshop format where he
can then articulate the client's needs by visualizing their idea's on paper in the form of preliminary development drawings and sketches.
The rich picture is a detailed, complex image which performs an inclusive function by featuring a great many individuals/groups
/organisations that make up the overall scheme. Due to the sensitive nature of the material the project is often subject to a
confidentiality agreement which does not allow me to share this work with a wider audience.
This presents a challenge as the ability to present past examples of work is helpful to winning new commissions!
Commissions include Children's storybooks, Sales Promotion, Technical Publications and School Prospectuses.
Projects are defined from a brief evolved with the client and begins by visualizing their idea's on paper in the form of preliminary
development drawings and sketches. From this the illustration is developed through various stages to the final approved artwork.
The following testimonial gives a sense of the iterative process involved.

Festival front cover